Ruling your Network
When you’re studying complex systems, one of the most important questions you might have is: how will this system evolve in the future? If you’re modeling your system as a network — as I like to do in my spare time — this boils down to predicting the arrival of new nodes and links. This is the realm of link prediction. In this post, I’ll describe one advancement in the field that I developed with fellow NERD Michael Szell in the paper “Multiplex Graph Association Rules for Link Prediction“, to appear next year at the ICWSM conference.

There are many ways to predict new links in a network, but most of these methods have a disadvantage: they can only give you a score for potential future connections between two nodes that are already in the network when you observe it. In other words, they cannot predict new incoming nodes. But with a technique called “graph association rules”, used by the GERM algorithm published in 2009, we can predict new nodes. How is that possible?
In simple terms, a “graph association rule” is a rule that tells you: every time you see in your network a pattern A, it will turn into pattern B, with a certain degree of confidence. The rule is extracted by counting how many times patterns A and B appear. For instance, in the image below, if pattern A (the triangle) appears 9 times and pattern B (the triangle with a dangling node) appears 6 times, the confidence of the rule is 2/3. 66% of the time, a triangle has attracted a dangling node. Note that pattern B must include pattern A, otherwise it’s difficult to hypothesize that A evolved into B.

GERM has a problem of its own, which Michael and I set out to solve: it can predict incoming nodes and links, but it cannot distinguish between different link types. In other words, every predicted link is the same to GERM. However, many real world networks have link types: nodes can connect in different ways. For instance, on social media, you connect to the people you know in different ways: via Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.
You’d model such system with a multiplex network, which allows for link types. If you have a multiplex network, you need multiplex graph association rules for link prediction. Which is exactly the title of our paper! What a crazy coincidence!
In the paper we re-purpose Moss, a graph pattern miner that can extract multiplex patterns, to build such rules. We created a pre- and post-processor of Moss that can construct the rules based on the patterns it finds. Now we can give colors to the links that are featured in our rules, as the figure below shows. This is a generalization of the signed link predictor I already wrote about a long time ago (the second ever post on this blog. I feel old).

Doing so isn’t painless though. We made sacrifices. For instance, our rule extractor doesn’t really understand the passage of time. It knows that the input network is in the past and spits out the rules to predict its evolution, but it doesn’t know how long a rule will take to complete. Unlike GERM, which can tell you that a rule will take n timesteps to complete.
This downside is minor though. Our link predictor performs well, as witnessed by the ROC curves below (our method in red). The comparisons are other multiplex link predictors. Not only are they worse at predicting links, but they have the added disadvantage of being unable to predict the arrival of new nodes. They also have issues with memory consumption, because they generate a score for each pair of nodes that is not connected in the training data — which, for sparse networks, is a lot of scores. Our predictor, instead, only gives scores to the links that are valid consequences of the rules that we found, usually way fewer than all unconnected node pairs.

If you want to play with our link predictor, you can do so by downloading the code I made public for the replication of the paper’s results. The code is very academic — meaning: badly written, unreasonably fragile, and horribly inefficient. I have in the works an extension with more efficient and robust code, and a generalization from multiplex to fully multilayer networks. Stay tuned!